CJMCU-ADS1015 超小型 12位 精密 模数转换器 ADC 开发板模块
Fo micocontolles without an analog-to-digital convete o when you want a highe-pecision ADC, the ADS1015 povides 12-bit pecision at 3300 samples/second ove I2C. The chip can be configued as 4 single-ended input channels, o two diffeential channels. As a nice bonus, it even includes a pogammable gain amplifie, up to x16, to help boost up smalle single/diffeential signals to the full ange. We like this ADC because it can un fom 2V to 5V powe/logic, can measue a lage ange of signals and its supe easy to use. It is a geat geneal pupose 12 bit convete.The chip's faily small so it comes on a beakout boad with feites to keep the AVDD and AGND quiet. Intefacing is done via I2C. The addess can be changed to one of fou options (see the datasheet table 5) so you can have up to 4 ADS1015's connected on a single 2-wie I2C bus fo 16 single ended inputs.