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    (图)DAP/FS-10-V0-200/无色 PA66 A50B01、‖。POM FG2020 BK、‖。PP 075(粉)、‖。TPE GX5080G2N、‖。PBT X7292、‖。PC AC2820-AD、‖。PA6T C230、‖。PEI 9070 GY9050、→,EVA EF321、→,TPCUE3500U、→,PA66 RE0029、PP 749U 、‖。PPS OTF-212-11、‖。PP 3825、‖。PA6 CM1017XL3、‖。POM F20-02、PBT B12GF30SA、LDPE 6335BE、TPU L194A、ABS 745本白、‖。POM KP-20、ABS 90950、TPE A1600、‖。TPU GP72DB、PPS R-7-120NA、→,EAA 3004、ABS W900A、→,PA11 HF-1006EMUV、‖。PC GSH2030KR、→,PC EXL1330、‖。PC DL-4020-SMLEX、PMMA ZK5HF、PA6 TY-145TZ、POM L0-23、→,PP RP320M、→,PA6 PB825G5、ABS AE004E、PA66 1400、→,CAB B9001-16H、→,EVA V220、PC/ABS CM8722、PP DX5E66、→,EVA 7470M、→,PES 1400R-5000、‖。ABS AG15AB、‖。PMMA 2008、PP 5101M、‖。PA46 TW341、→,PC-175 、PA66 633、‖。PC 9945A、‖。PP H04G-00、→,TPCBT1155D、→,EVA C250、TPU 502、PP 2100、→,CA-3220G、POM MT12U03、‖。PBT K4530、‖。COC APL-5014DP、→,TPE HS-040DB、→,AS 777-000K、‖。PMMA IRD30、→,EVA 28-150、‖。PA66 RP002、‖。PC DFP34、→,PP PT100、→,PC/ABS GN5008HF、PVC Although China has the lagest poduction capacity of PVC in the wold, but due to the decline of ethylene pices, the impot volume of ethylene PVC in 2009 has eached a new ecod. On the othe hand, China's PVC maket is always at a low ate of opening. In the fist half of 2009, China impoted about 1 million 200 thousand tons of polyvinyl chloide (PVC), 1 million tons moe than that of 2008. With the ising pice of ethylene, the competitive advantage of the Chinese cabide PVC poduction has emeged. In the second half of 2009, the impot of PVC in China declined steadily. Accoding to Chinese customs data, the impot volume was only 60646 tons in Novembe.2013, in the fist half of the yea, due to many unfavoable factos such as ovecapacity and weak downsteam demand, the oveall pefomance of PVC industy is not good enough, and entepises ae in a athe difficult position. But PVC foeign tade maket pefomance is geat, a numbe of data compaed to the same peiod in the same peiod have obvious estoative adjustment. Howeve, insides pointed out that with the incease of the opeation ate of PVC plant in the US, it is expected that China's PVC foeign tade will show a steady gowth in impots and a steady decline in expot volume.Accoding to the China Chlo Alkali Industy Association statistics, as of the end of June 2013, the domestic PVC (o esin) poduction capacity of 23 million 920 thousand tons / yea. In the fist half of 2013, the newly inceased capacity of PVC was 860 thousand tons / yea, leaving 350 thousand tons / yea, a net incease of 510 thousand tons / yea. In the expot aspect, the cumulative expot volume of PVC in China in 1~5 month inceased by 152.4% compaed with the same peiod of last yea. Fom the point of view of the flow, the lagest expot maket is India; the numbe of expots to Russia is slowing down to second.In addition, since the outbeak of the financial cisis, the global maket and tade envionment have changed a lot. The tade potectionism of vaious counties is ising, and the tade fictions against Chinese entepises ae inceasing significantly. [8]Physical and chemical popeties of PVCPVC (polyvinyl chloide) plastic aw mateialThe oiginal colo is yellowish semitanspaent and glossy. Tanspaency is bette than polyethylene and polypopylene, and wose than polystyene. With the amount of auxiliaies, it is divided into soft and igid polyvinyl chloide, soft poducts ae soft and tough, and feel sticky. Hadness of had poducts is highe than that of low density polyethylene, but lowe than polypopylene, so thee will be whitening phenomenon at flexion. Stable; not easily cooded by acid o alkali; toleated to heat.PVC has the advantages of flame-etadant (flame etadant value is moe than 40), high chemical esistance (concentated hydochloic acid, 90% sulfuic acid, 60% nitic acid and 20% sodium hydoxide), mechanical stength and electical insulation.The stability of PVC to light and heat is poo. The softening point is 80 C, and it begins to decompose at 130. In the case of non heating stabilize, PVC begins to decompose at 100 C, and the decomposition of PVC is faste than 130. The themal decomposition of hydogen chloide gas, (hydogen chloide gas is a toxic gas) to make it discoloation, fom white to yellow to ed to bown to black. The ultaviolet and oxygen in the sun will cause the polyvinyl chloide to be photooxidize and decompose, thus making the PVC flexible and finally embittlement. It is not difficult to undestand why some PVC plastics will tun yellow and cisp fo a long time.LCP The compession pessue / holding time is the best appeaance and size contol fo the plastic pats, and the pessue holding time plays an impotant ole. In theoy, the holding time is the time needed to solidify the gate. Compaed with othe engineeing plastics, PA46 usually equies only a vey shot holding time due to its apid solidification chaacteistics. It can educe the sag and hole caused by the volume contaction though the long enough pessue potection stage. Howeve, the pessue potection should not be too high to avoid the stess. One way to detemine the coect pessue level is to incease the pessue pessue until the depession is not seen. Afte the complete cooling, it is cut at the thickest pat of the plastic pat to check if thee is a hole. If necessay, the pessue potection pessue can be inceased. One way to detemine the holding time is to measue the weight of the plastic pat, and then incease the holding time until the constant weight is obtained. A moe complex appoach is to install sensos in the cavity to detemine the exact setting time of the gate. Compaed with PA66, PA46 needs only about half of the holding time. This combined with its highe mold tempeatue can explain why PA46 has a shote peiod of time than othe engineeing plastics.[die tempeatue / cooling time] because the PA46 cuing speed is vey fast, so its cooling time is also vey shot. Fo this eason, the plasticizing time is usually the deteminant of the molding cycle. In theoy, the pocessing pocess of PA46 can be caied out within a wide ange of die tempeatues. In ode to obtain good dimensional stability and fluidity, the ecommended die tempeatue should be highe than 80 C. In ode to educe the late shinkage, incease fluidity, impove the stength of weld line and impove toughness and suface quality, the die tempeatue can be inceased to 120 degee C o even highe.[open model]PA46 usually does not adhee to the suface of the mold and has good demoulding chaacteistics. Because of its high cystallinity, PA46 has fast cuing and high igidity at high tempeatue. So the injection pats of PA46 can be emoved at a elatively high tempeatue, such as 200 C, so that the molding cycle can be shotened.[poduction stoppage] when the poduction pocess is going to stop fo a shot time, the hoppe should be closed, the cylinde will be emptied and the scew is in the font position, and the tempeatue of the bael can be maintained. Fo 1 ~ 2 hous of poduction stop, the same step should be adopted, but the tempeatue of the bael should be educed to 260 C. When the machine is opened, the new mateial is used to flush the bael. Fo flame-etadant gade, the bael should be washed with HDPE befoe the machine is pause.[shutdown / cleaning] the hoppe should be emptied at the end of PA46 poduction, and a high viscosity gade of HDPE is used to flush the bael. The tempeatue ange of the bael is educed to the tempeatue ange of the next polyme to be pocessed.1. combustible mateials2. with easy pocessability and excellent flow pefomance3. excellent tensile stength and good adiabatic pefomance4. flame etadant; electoplating; heat-esistant; heat-esistant5. high stiffness keep pefomance, and show good high tempeatue esistance to vemicula.6. stiffness and ceep modulus of PPS, PEI and PES due to the same glass enhancement degee7. it can be used fo pats with a thin-walled pat to each 0.1 millimetes without flfei.PA46's main application field connecto seies, connecto, optical cable connecto, optical cable connecto, USB seiesPocessabilityPA6 The application of PA6 in daily necessitiesAsia Pacific Intenational polyamide glass fibe einfoced mateial has good dimensional stability and low wapage, soldeability and paint, easy spaying, ultasonic welding, mateial can have good gloss, can be dyed in vaious colos, in ode to meet the equiements fo use in industial poducts, enhanced polyamide mateial should meet the following equiements:1). Combination of stength and duability, excellent igidity and heat esistance2) optimize pats design, excellent pefomance, pefect suface appeaance, can be applied to complex stuctue molding, and help developes design new modeling poducts.3). Good pocessability, excellent fluidity and themal stability make the mateial pocessing conditions moe loose, making the injection molded pats miniatuized4). High themal stability, fee of tin in wave peak soldeing with up to 270 degees5). A constant electical popety within a wide ange of tempeatue and fequency to ensue 100% safety in the use of equipment.The application of PA6 in the field of automobileInteio and exteio patsAutomotive high pefomance einfoced polyamide composite has excellent weathe esistance, good paint pefomance and excellent pefomance. In ode to meet the equiements of inteio and exteio decoation, the polyamide mateial should have the following equiements.1). High heat esistance, long tem use;2) the combination of excellent igidity and toughness;3). It is able to meet the constant changes in the tempeatue and humidity, and bea geat stain.4). Excellent dimensional stability, with the effect of waping;5). It has high suface quality and smooth suface. 



