(图)PA6/PB901/包装膜 ‖。TPV 4785B40、→,PPE EHM103R、‖。TPU 540-4、‖。TPV 201-55W175、‖。PEI PDX-E-99550、LCP 1000、→,PAR U-1060、‖。PA66 SG-KGS6、‖。TPE GX5080G2N、HDPE HHMTR480ATPEI EX99550C、‖。PPS PELLET、‖。TPE TC4HTT、PC XP4034、→,EVA MA-10、‖。PA66 PA350M6、‖。PA46 TE250F9 、→,PP HF840MO、→,TPEE RS40F3、PBT 1003-FR5、‖。PC EGN2030R2、TPU 45-60/03、‖。TPU DI‖。PP-539S、‖。PPS TS201、→,PC 1303-15、PC CGH2010KR、‖。PPS SGX-365、‖。PC GS2020MLR 、→,PP 515A、‖。TPE CJ00、→,SMMA 165、‖。PP 3225、→,PA66 FR250、PBT X7396、PBT GF15HI、‖。PP 3378、→,AS XGS321、‖。PP P613 、→,LLDPE FS253S、LDPE 2420H、‖。PC AM-1801 、PA11 BESNO-TL、‖。PP P2413GN、→,TPO 3255、PA66 2026GU501、‖。PMMA 560F 、‖。PP MV006S、‖。TPV 8221-60、PPS OC006 、ABS VN33H、PPS CZL-4033 、POM FL2010、PP H03G-04 、PC/ABS LG9000 BK、‖。ABS GN5006FR、PP H9600、→,PP P1017GB、‖。PMMA D60、PC DF-1008LE、ABS AG1000、‖。PBT 2100UV、→,EVA UE662157、‖。PPO X1519-2X42366、‖。PP A-352 、‖。TPEE G5544、→,PP KPR1166、‖。PP EP300L、‖。PBT WE003ER、PP 20MB400、LLDPE The poduction of LLDPE begins with the tansition metal catalyst, especially the type of Ziegle (Ziegle) o PHILPS Phillips. A new pocess based on the catalyst fo the cyclic olefin metal deivatives is anothe option fo LLDPE poduction. The actual polymeization can be caied out in the solution and gas phase eacto.Both LDPE and LLDPE have excellent heological o melt fluidity. LLDPE has smalle shea sensitivity because it has a naow molecula weight distibution and a shot banched chain. Duing the shea pocess (fo example, extusion), LLDPE maintains a geate viscosity, and thus is difficult to be pocessed than the same melting index of LDPE. In extusion, the lowe shea stess of LLDPE makes the stess elaxation of polyme chains faste, and the sensitivity of physical popety to the change of blow up atio is educed. In the melt extension, LLDPE usually has lowe viscosity at vaious stain ates. That is to say, it will not stain hadening as the LDPE is stetched. The incease in the defomation ate of polyethylene (.LDPE) shows an astonishing incease in viscosity, which is caused by molecula chain entanglement. This phenomenon is not obseved in LLDPE, because the lack of long banched chains in LLDPE makes the polyme not entangled. This pefomance is vey impotant fo the application of thin films, because the LLDPE thin films ae easy to make thin films unde high stength and toughness.Classification /LLDPELLDPE AtlasAccoding to the type of copolymeized monomes, LLDPE is mainly divided into 3 kinds of copolymes: C4 (butene -1), C6 (hexene -1) and C8 (octene -1). Among them, butylene copolyme is the lagest LLDPE esin in the wold, while hexene copolyme is the fastest gowing LLDPE vaiety at pesent. In the LLDPE esin, the typical dosage of the copolymeized monome is 5% to 10%, with an aveage amount of about 7%. The metallocene based LLDPE plastic body (mLLDPE) has moe than 3 times the aveage content of the aveage copolymeized monome of the taditional LLDPE. Figue 1 shows that the wold is 10 yeas since thei 3 monomes yield of LLDPE.At the end of 1984, the co cabon company intoduced the poduction of hexene copolymeized LLDPE, followed by Exxon, Mobil and othe companies. Dow Chemical (Dow Chemical Company) almost used octylene as comonome in its low pessue solution pocess, and NOVA Canada (Nova chemical) also used octylene in most of the pessue solution pocess. The copolymeization of octyl LLDPE esin has a little good stength, teaing esistance and pocessing popety, but the popeties of hexene copolymeization and octyl copolymes have little diffeence. Hexene LLDPE esin manufactues including ExxonMobil Chemical (Exxon Mobil chemical company), Eastman Chemical (Eastman Chem Co), Equista (sta company) and Chevon Phillips (Chevon Phillips chemical company) etc.. In addition, Dow Chemical (Dow Chemical Company), basell (basel), Innovene (Samsung, Total, innoven) (Samsung Total (mico-blog), etc.) also poduce 1-hexene LLDPE.Compaed with the commonly used butene copolymes, the LLDPE poduced by hexene and octene as copolymeized monomes has bette pefomance. The lagest use of LLDPE esin in film poduction, with a long chain alpha olefin (such as cyclohexene, 1-octene) as comonome poduction of LLDPE esin and film poducts in the tensile stength, impact stength, teaing stength, penetation esistance, envionmental stess cacking esistance and many othe aspects ae bette than by butene as comonome to poduce LLDPE esin. Since 1990s, PE manufactues and uses in foeign counties tend to eplace butylene with hexene and octene. It is epoted that using octene as comonome, the pefomance of esin is not necessaily bette than that of hexene copolymeization, and the pice is moe expensive. Theefoe, the tend of using LLDPE aboad to eplace butene is moe obvious.Because thee is no lage-scale poduction of hexene and octene in China, and the impot pice is moe expensive, the LLDPE esin cuently used in China is mainly used as butene as comonome. Some entepises in China used the LLDPE as the monome of the comonome when they intoduced the poduction plant, but they had to give up because of the poduction of no hexene in China, and only impoted a small amount of hexene when diving. Most of the high gade LLDPE impoted fom China ae such poducts. It is expected that in the futue, thee will be a geate incease in the demand fo LLDPE with 1- hexene as a monome. Pefomance /LLDPECold toleance of LLDPE, the elationship between catalytic tempeatue and melt flow ate of LLDPE bittle tempeatue than LDPE, HDPE ae low, which indicates that the esistance to low tempeatue.Physical and mechanical popetiesMDPE molecula stuctueIn the main chain of MDPE molecule, thee ae 20 methyl banched chains o 13 ethyl banched chains on the aveage of evey 1000 cabon atoms, and thei pefomance depends on the numbe and length of banched chain. Copolymeization can incease the link chain between small cystals of its cystalPefomance chaacteistics and paametesMDPE is chaacteized by long tem etention of esistance to envionmental stess and stength. The elative density of MDPE is 0.926-0.953, the cystallinity of 70%-80%, the aveage molecula weight is 200 thousand, the tensile stength is 8-24 MPa, elongation at beak of 50%-60%, the melting tempeatue of 126-135 DEG C, the melt flow ate of 0.1-35 g /10 minutes, the heat defomation tempeatue of 49-74 DEG C (0.46 MPa).Pocessing technologyIt is divided into thee kinds: high pessue method, low pessue method and medium pessue method. High pessue method is used to poduce LDPE. This method has been developed vey ealy. Polyethylene poduced by this method accounts fo about 2/3 of the total output of polyethylene. Howeve, with the development of poduction technology and catalyst, its gowth ate has lagged behind the low pessue method. The low pessue method includes sluy method, solution method and gas phase method fo its application. Sluy method is mainly used to poduce HDPE, while solution method and gas phase method can not only poduce HDPE