适用范围:1.改善或消除用眼疲劳,恢复睫状肌弹性,抑止视力衰弱,具有明目醒脑功效。2.改善用脑过度引起头晕眼花,健忘,厌食等不适,减轻偏头痛,神经衰弱,失眠等脑疲劳综合症;3.改善或消除眼袋,黑眼圈,增强眼周围皮肤的光洁度和弹性。使用方法: 冷敷:将冷热袋放入冰箱冷冻室预冷60分钟以上即可使用。热敷:将冷热袋放入微波炉内(中火),每次使用加温时间在90秒钟内,若连续使用,第二次加温在60秒内。注意事项:冷热袋仅供外用,如内容物接触眼睛或皮肤,应用清水彻底清洗。如不慎误食内容物,应饮下大量清水及尽量吐出,必要时应联系医生。为防止温度过高或过低,刚开始使用时最好用毛巾或棉布包裹,如使用者循环系统有病,应先请教医生。特性:本品冷热两用,使用简易,冷敷时袋体在-18℃以下仍保持柔软,并可在冷热交替重复循环使用。Usage:Put the eye mask into efigeato to be efigeated fo an hou befoe taking out fo use, o put it into feeze when in ugent need. It should be woe on the eye when used.
Pupose:This poduct can impove ocula micociculation, eliminate eye fatigue, esume the plasticity of ciliay muscle, pevent vision decline, so it has an efficacy of lightening eye and efeshing bain.Alleviate swil and dazzle, fogettey, and anoexia induced by excessive bain labous, lighten migaine, neuasthenia and insomnia of bain fatigue syndome.Remove eye bags and black eyes, impove the bightness and elasticity of the skin aound the eyes.Pecaution:The ice bag can only be used fo extenal medication. If eye o skin should be contacted by the content, it must be washed by clean wate thooughly. If one eats the content by mistake, he must dink enough wate and ty his best to vomit it and tun to docto when necessay.Those who have something wong with thei micociculation system should efe to docto in advance.
Chaacteistic:This poduct emains soft in -18°C condition. It can be used easily with effects being obvious, and can be used epeatedly.